
I was born at a very young age, on November 26, 1978, in Walsh Colorado. Luckily I was able to eventually adapt to my environment, in which, I still survive to this day. I grew up in a very small rural town in southeast Colorado, Walsh, in which I graduated High School from.
I had my first computer at the age of 3 (I also taught myself how to read when I was three). By Kindergarten I had an Apple IIe, and was attending First Grade in the mornings instead of Kindergarten. By the time I was actually supposed to be in First Grade, I knew most everything about my Apple II, except Basic, and definitely utilized that knowledge.
I continued learning more about it, and in Third Grade, I learned Basic. By the time I was a 5th Grader, I finally got my first PC, an IBM AT 286, with 512KB of RAM, and a 20MB Hard Drive. With this computer, I learned how to do most everything in DOS. My hard drive was so small that I had batch files written to unzip programs every time I ran them, and it rezipped the data files into the source ZIP's when I was done.
As a 7th Grader, I started messing around with LogoWriter, and LANTasic on the school's Tandy's. Junior High was my first year of organized Football, and we were good my 7th Grade year, and shitty my 8th Grade year. 7th Grade was my first year of HS Band as well, and we were the Regional Champion Percussion.
My Freshman year, the school got 486 systems with Windows 3.1, as did I. I got a 486/25, 4 MB of RAM, and a 210 MB Hard Drive. Tatum Cook (1979-1993), A good friend to me and the rest of my class, was killed in a car accident.
From these computers, I started to teach myself Visual C++, and several Windows Scripting Languages, Corel Draw, and also mixed mode LANTastic. I also played a lot of SimFarm, Lemmings, Space Quest, LSL, and SimCity 2000. I never got on the Solitaire kick that everyone else did. We pretty much got stomped in Football, I got my ass kicked in Wrestling, and I started a few games on Varsity Baseball. In Marching Band, we placed 3rd at state, and we, the percussion, placed second in the state, which was a pretty big feat because I was the oldest percussionist.
As a Sophomore, not much happened Computer-wise. It was our first year of 8-Man Football, and I loved every minute of it. Sadly enough, I was probably best at Football my Sophomore year, as we had an Undefeated JV season, and we also had a good Varsity season, making it to the Quarter-Finals. In Baseball we did okay, nothing special. When I was a Junior, the school got its first Windows 95 System and Dial-Up access to the then mysterious Internet from one computer in the Library. This year I spent a lot of time piecing together systems for the school using old computer parts. I also started working on my first web pages my Junior year. As for Football, we simply kicked ass. We only played 3 Full Length games that year, including playoff games. In all the other games we 45 pointed everyone we played. We made it to the Semi-Finals, and choked against Simla. As for Baseball, we kicked ass as well, including beating the eventual State Champion every game we played them. Some really dumb moves by our coach costed us a playoff game.
As A Senior, we got 8 to 10 Pentium 133's with 16 MB of RAM. I did a lot more graphics, HTML, and networking. We also setup a Modem router, wired all of the rooms in the school for Ethernet, and connected Fiber between the Elementary and High School, thus creating a WAN. I had a graduating class of 23, including myself. Overall, I finished with 10 Varsity letters in Band, Football, Wrestling, Baseball, and Track. I was also voted as class favorite throughout high school.
My Senior year the only sport I took was Football, and we did very well for having 14 players. We made it to the Quarter Finals, and only lost 1 regular season game.
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