![]() EDUCATION: GRADUATE, Walsh High School, Walsh Colorado. UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT, Lamar Community College, Lamar Colorado. UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley Colorado. Major: Business Adminstration with emphasis in Computer Information Systems. EXPERIENCE: LABORER, Tate Farms. 5/90-8/93. SKILLS USED: Heavy Lifting, Operation of Farm Machinery, etc. CUSTOMER COURTESY, City Market. 1/92-5/95. SKILLS USED: Public Relations, Stocking Ordering, Customer Service, Bagging Groceries, and Heavy Lifting. MAINTENACEPERSON, Town of Walsh. 4/94-8/94. SKILLS USED: Heavy Lifting, Painting, Operation and Service of Heavy Machinery, and Public Relations. SHIFT MANAGER, Richard's Country Store. 6/95-6/97. SKILLS USED: Retail Sales, Public Relations, Stocking Ordering, Light Cooking, Customer Service, and Bookkeeping. TECHNICAL SUPPORT, StarTek, 8/97-1/98. SKILLS USED: Thorough Knowledge of DeskJet Series Printers & Software, Extensive Knowledge of DOS, Win 3.x, and Win95 Environments, Working Knowledge of PCL II, Hardware and Software Troubleshooting, Customer Service, and Phone/Database Skills. WEBMASTER, University of Northern Colorado English Department. 2/98-Current. SKILLS USED: HTML Coding, JavaScript Programming, HTML and JavaScript Tutoring, Graphic Layout and Design, and NT 4.0 Webserver. ENTEPENEUR, Utopia Technology. 1994-Current. SKILLS USED: PC Troubleshooting, PC Repair, PC Upgrading, PC Assembly, Technical Support for Car Audio & PC, HTML & JavaScript Programming, Graphic Layout and Design, and Car Audio Installation. HARDWARE: x86 systems, and older Apple Iie. SOFTWARE: DOS, Win 3.x, Win95, Win98, Some UNIX & NT, Adobe Photoshop, Net Objects Fusion, Microsoft Office, LANtastic, TELNET, FTP, Web Browsers, Paint Shop Pro, WebEdit Pro, HomeSite Pro, Microsoft Personal Webserver, War FTP Daemon, and DeskJet Printer Drivers. HONORS: Rating of "Excellent" in Computer Literacy and Programming Logic at the Oklahoma Panhandle State University Business Olympics in 1994, 95, 96, 97, and placed first in Computer Literacy in 1997. Participant in 1994 Colorado Science and Engineering fair. A&B Honor Roll, Walsh High School. Starting Offensive Guard for the 1997 Arkansas Valley All-Star Team. Nominated for the 1997 Colorado All-Star Football Team. Listed in 94, 95, 96, and 97 editions of the "Who's Who Among American High School Students." Selected as one of StarTek's "Top Ten Agents" in December 1997 and January, 1998. ACTIVITIES: Founder and System Operator for the Walsh High School Bulletin Board System; Walsh High School Science Club, 8 Varsity Letters in Football, Wrestling, Baseball, and Track at Walsh High School. Also helped setup a Win 3.1, Win95, Win NT, and Mac WAN at my High School. INTERESTS: Car Audio & Security, HTML & JavaScript Programming, Graphic Layout & Design, Percussion, Football, Sports Cars, and PC Tweaking. REFERENCES: |
Webmaster: Booms. All information, code, images, information, etc. contained on this, or any other Utopia Technology website Copyright 1998, Utopia Technology. |